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Re: But where do we stand on OPL?


You CAN restrict people. You just can't CHARGE people.
Personally I like the OPL.


Date forwarded:         18 Sep 1999 13:33:09 -0000
To:                     "Mr. Poet" <poet@linuxports.com>
Copies to:              ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org
Subject:                But where do we stand on OPL?
From:                   Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@canada.com>
Date sent:              18 Sep 1999 09:32:14 -0400
Send reply to:          Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@canada.com>
Organization:           TeleDynamics --- the Art of Being There
Forwarded by:           ldp-discuss@lists.debian.org

> I had an email from Alessandro this morning.  His understanding is that
> a document published under the OPL (esp OPL with the option to reserve
> book printing rights) prevents a document from being included in the
> LDP.  Is this true?  What is the stance of the LDP on the open publishing
> licence?
> While I can agree with people like Richard Stallman that the very best
> work can only come out of GPL-style restrictions, it is also true that
> some wonderful software is less restrictive.  For example, the BSD
> licences and other have no restrictions against arbitrary restrictions
> in the licence, and even the Linux kernel allows for (but does not
> distribute) non-GPL modules. 
> If we take a 100%-free stance as dogma, we miss an opportunity to have
> the LDP include professionally edited and corporately sponsored
> documents; allowing for some "mostly free" content might require the
> multi-tier classification I wrote about before, but provides a means
> for the LDP to leverage rather than compete with publishers like ORA,
> IDG and MCP (who, on the other hand, freely leverage the LDP to pad
> thier books)
> -- 
> Gary Lawrence Murphy <garym@canada.com>  TeleDynamics Communications Inc
> Business Telecom Services : Internet Consulting : http://www.teledyn.com
> Linux Writers Workshop Archive: http://www.egroups.com/group/linux-hack/
> "You don't play what you know; you play what you hear." -- (Miles Davis)
> --  
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