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caldera OpenLinux2.3 installation howto (fwd)


Robert Easter <Robert-Easter@smh.com> sent me this information and thought
perhaps someone could use it in an existing HOWTO.

If you would like to use it, please contact him at the email address

Best Regards,

Linux HOWTO coordinator

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 13:26:56 -0400
From: Robert Easter <Robert-Easter@smh.com>
To: "'linux-howto@metalab.unc.edu'" <linux-howto@metalab.unc.edu>
Subject: caldera OpenLinux2.3  installation howto

I just installed OpenLinux 2.3 and had a hard time figuring out how to do
it.  I hope maybe I can share how I did it with you and you might know of a
FAQ/HOWTO that could include the info:

OpenLinux-ISO9660-cdrom-Image-Install-HOWTO  ??

This describes how to install Caldera OpenLinux using the following:
Downloaded from a Caldera OpenLinux 2.3  mirror...
* INSTALL and MODULES boot floppies images.
* The ISO9660 full install CDROM image file (big download, about 650MB).

* You must use a boot/root/rescue Linux floppy boot disk to boot up the
system and partition the hdd into 3 partitions: Linux, Linux Swap, and an
extra 700MB Win95 FAT32 partition to hold the ISO9660 CDROM image.  The
debian or slackware boot/root floppies work well to provide cfdisk, dd,
mount and other needed utils.  It is not necessary to burn a cdrom from the
iso-image if you can create a disk partition to hold it.  These floppies can
be made with the RAWRITE.EXE program from MSDOS.

1.      Boot system on  BOOT/ROOT/RESCUE disk.  Make the partitions:

        cfdisk /dev/hdb
                        /dev/hdb1       Linux
                        /dev/hdb2       Swap
                        /dev/hdb3       Win95 FAT32 (for cdrom image, 700MB)
        mke2fs /dev/hdb1
        mkswap /dev/hdb2

2.      Load cdrom image on /dev/hdb3:
        mkdir /hda1
        mount /dev/hda1 /hda1
        dd if=/hda1/<location of cdrom image> of=/dev/hdb3

3.      Check to see that you can mount the cdrom image:
        mkdir /hdb3
        mount /dev/hdb3 /hdb3
        cd /hdb3
        ls -l
                Note:   You should see the contents of the cdrom image now.

4.      Use rawrite.exe from MSDOS or dd, like above, to make the Caldera
        INSTALL and MODULES disks from the floppy boot images.

5.      Boot up on the INSTALL floppy:
                Insert the MODULES floppy when it waits for it.
                Allow the boot checkpoints routine to continue until it says
it can't install
                on your system or try to break out from it with CTRL-C or
                Type option "sh" to get a shell or otherwise, get to the
6.      Mount the cdrom image partition:

        mount /dev/hdb3 /mnt/install

7.      Now re-run the installation routine:

        cd /

        Note:   This restarts the graphical installation routine and it will
go through
                the boot checks again.  This time is should see the hard
disk location
                that was mounted and process to install.

THATS IT.  The rest is easy.  You may have to manually choose and configure
network card once the system is up.  If you have a SB audio ISA, you might
need to
reserve its IRQ in you system BIOS so it doesn't get used by the USB driver.

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