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Re: Licensing issues
- To:
- Subject: Re: Licensing issues
- From:
- Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 07:08:26 +1000 (EST)
In-Reply-To: <199909201538.LAA01550@chef.meridian.redhat.com>
- Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
- Resent-Date: 20 Sep 1999 21:08:42 -0000
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- Resent-Message-ID: <H4T9-D.A.NAF.aJq53@murphy>
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On 20 Sep, Donnie Barnes wrote:
> Folks, look. This has been beaten to death here and on many other
> mailing lists. Documentation is not software. Sure, in some cases it
> is *like* software when folks are collaborating to work on it. Most
> of the time that is *not* the case, however. Where it is the case,
> folks can certainly license their docs so that they are modifiable if
> they wish.
.. and no concensus was reached then, at least not on the ldp-l
list. Collaboration is completely irrelevant to the definition.
> I don't care to go into the debate on why we need to avoid this *again*.
> Suffice it to say that documentation IS NOT software. Leave people the
> ability to choose and let the LDP have the most useful documentation it
> can reasonably have.
Unmodifiable documents are uneditable/untransformable/untypesettable
documents. Documents must be modifiable if they are to published in any
form other than that which the author produces.
terry@albert.animats.net, terry@linux.org.au
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