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Re: General Positive Feedback re: revision of site (fwd)
- To:
- Subject: Re: General Positive Feedback re: revision of site (fwd)
- From:
- Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 10:55:38 +1000 (EST)
In-Reply-To: <199909281424.KAA01396@chef.meridian.redhat.com>
- Resent-Cc: recipient list not shown: ;
- Resent-Date: 29 Sep 1999 00:56:36 -0000
- Resent-From:
- Resent-Message-ID: <zqARuD.A.9RH.DPW83@murphy>
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On 28 Sep, Donnie Barnes wrote:
> Pardon me, but you seem to have the word "manifesto" confused with
> "license". AFAIK there is *no* LDP "license", and it is my goal to
> keep it that way. Well, there certainly can be a suggested one, but
> I don't want any required one.
> Again, that's fine with me. The "manifesto" includes guidelines for
> minimum acceptability. There are already plenty of licenses out there
That may have been the intent, but take a careful read of what is
actually presented as the Manifesto at the moment and I think you'll
see that that isn't what it actually says.
I recall Michael "K" (what the heck does that stand for anyway? :)
Johnson posting a revised Manifesto some time ago, but I don't recall
it looking specifically like what is currently called that.
terry@albert.animats.net, terry@linux.org.au
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