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Submissions and comments
- To:
- Subject: Submissions and comments
- From: Vern Hoxie <>
- Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 10:03:01 -0600
- Cc:
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- Resent-Date: 29 Sep 1999 16:06:33 -0000
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- Resent-Message-ID: <f9CAR.A._l.Ikj83@murphy>
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On Tue, 28 Sep 1999, Alessandro Rubini wrote:
> BTW: how many people are reading LDP documents posted to ldp-submit?
I would if I knew what format they are in. They come to me on my
plain text display as gobally-gook. What tar ball do I need to
decipher them? Please don't reference an "*.rpm"!
Shouldn't the discussions be on ldp-discuss instead of ldp-submit?
Vernon C. Hoxie vern@zebra.alphacdc.com
3975 W. 29th Ave. uucp: 303-455-2670
Denver, Colo., 80212 voice: 303-477-1780
What wise men do in the beginning, fools do in the end.
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