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updated: 2002-01-23
The Linux Documentation Project

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January 08, 2002 -
New Issue of TUX
. The new issue of TUX (Terminator Unit X) is available. The new issue can be found here.

In this issue, a new character is born, Mammoth. Mammoth is a mutant woolly mammoth with an open source core based off the University of California Ingres source (e.g.; PostgreSQL).

Disclaimer: Mammoth is a cameo in this issue on the last page. He will have a larger role in the next issue.

December 23, 2001 -
New Announcement List
. For all of you who read the Linux Weekly News Updates about the LDP, you can now get them via email. Just send an email to . The list is low traffic.

December 5, 2001 -
Debian Licensing Issues
. We are in the midst of contacting authors regarding licensing issues. The need to relicense many of the older LDP documents has become an urgent situation. Please read the accompanying article or see if your document is on the non-free list.

October 26, 2001 -
New search
has been implemented, based upon ht://Dig.

October 7, 2001 -
has an interesting blurb on an XML to RTF tool kit... Check it out. If you need to let a manager see your documentation, this toolkit may just be the ticket.

August 21, 2001 -
DocBook the Definitive guide
. There is a new version of the book, DocBook the definitive guide available at http://www.docbook.org. The new version sports the GFDL license. If you are looking for detailed DocBook information, this is the source.

August 6, 2001 -
will be present on the next GeekCruise, where conferences and tutorials on DocBook, XML and Linuxdoc will be given. Take the opportunity to learn documentation tools and formats while being in the Bahamas!

The 2nd documentation summit took place at the O'Reilly Open Source convention.. The LDP was represented by Joy E. Yokley (LDP, IBM). Eric S. Raymond (LDP, Open Source), David Lawyer (LDP) and Guylhem Aznar (LDP) who was also co-chairing the meeting with Michael Smith (XMLdoc). Thanks a lot to O'Reilly for organising the event. The 3rd documentation summit will be organised by the LDP in Bordeaux, France.

July 9, 2001 -
is looking for news. If you have an announcement that relates to the Linux Documentation Project or other Open Source documentation projects, please email . If it is newsworthy we will place it on www.LinuxDoc.Org.

June 26, 2001 -
OpenDocs Publishing
has decided to release their upcoming book, PostgreSQL: The Elephant Never Forgets as an LDP Guide. The book, which can be read online here is currently under heavy development and is set to ship in Late July. OpenDocs Publishing is also actively seeking feedback about the upcoming book.

June 7, 2001 -
OpenDocs Publishing
publishers of the LDP Guide, Securing and Optimizing Linux: Red Hat Edition and Administrating Linux: The Basics, is pleased to announce they are now accepting pre-orders for their next book.

The book titled, PostgreSQL: The Elephant Never Forgets is the latest of books available from OpenDocs Publishing. For more information on the title you can click here.

June 5, 2001 -
LinuxPorts.Com opens store for LDP using TUX comic.
LinuxPorts.Com (poet's website) has opened an online store to help support the LDP. They have used the artwork from their online comic, TUX as supporting material. The artwork was used in the creation of mugs, shirts and mousepads. To purchase and donate to the LDP please click here. So ask yourself... Who do you want to fsck today?

May 8, 2001 -
#linuxdoc now exists.
If you would like to talk to us, you can join us at irc.openprojects.net in the #linuxdoc channel.