Linux News from around the Net
Thu Jan 3 22:10:09 CET 2002, The latest news list is on the main server at
News from
- Conectiva security update to libgtop
- FOSDEM interview: DJ Adams
- Linux Gazette #74
- Best of 2001 (IT-Director)
- Conectiva security update to glibc
- HP, MSC offer turnkey Linux clusters
- Evolution 1.0 testimonials
- Development kernel prepatch 2.5.1-dj11
- A look back: 2001 (NewsForge)
- Embedded Linux Newsletter (LinuxDevices)
- Debian Weekly News
- A Rough Year for SSH (Linux Journal)
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition
- Another Debian security update to mutt
- weekly edition for January 3, 2002 is available
News from
- LGP announces second title: Majesty confirmed for the Linux Platform
- Interview: D.J. Adams on Jabber
- How I learned to stop worrying, and abandoned Mac OSX
- January Linux Gazette released
- Best tech products from 2001: Red Hat and StarOffice
- Open Source Development Lab looking for board member suggestions
- Bringing community to game development
- The dissing of IT workers
- Vulnerability in encrypted loop device for Linux
- Game developers choice awards nominations now open
- Installing Oracle9i on Red Hat 7.1 and Red Hat 7.2
- P2P apps share spyware
- Bluetooth with embedded Linux wireless networking, the next trend?
- An insecure feeling about Microsoft's security
- Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter - Issue #24
- Linux 2.5.1-dj11
- Chrooting all services in Linux
- Mozilla hints & tips: Using keywords in bookmarks
- Writing CDs under Linux
- Embedded Linux cheaper, more flexible for heavy-duty industrial controller company
- Linux looks ahead to 2002
- Bush lifts limits on computer exports
- Linux System Administration - A User's Guide (book review)
- 2001: A rough year for SSH
- Debian Security: DSA-096 mutt: buffer overflow
- States: Microsoft is stalling
- Is it time for Linux on the desktop?
- RedHat: 'mailman' cross-site scripting vulnerability
- Linux 2.5.2-pre6 available
- Vim's Bram Moolenaar talks about Open Source and Vim 6.0
News from
- Jan 3, 2002, 21:06:49 : LinuxProgramming: Archaeopteryx Software, Inc. Announces Wing IDE 1.1 for Linux and Windows
- Jan 3, 2002, 19:16:52 : Interviews With Speakers for the Upcoming FOSDEM Conference
- Jan 3, 2002, 17:30:10 : IBM developerWorks: Getting ready for GNOME 2 - a look ahead
- Jan 3, 2002, 15:55:03 : Vulnerability in encrypted loop device for Linux
- Jan 3, 2002, 15:53:37 : Jeff Waugh: Congratulations Evo Hackers!
- Jan 3, 2002, 14:32:50 : CIO Insight: Open Hazard
- Jan 3, 2002, 13:34:43 : Linux Weekly News for January 3, 2002
- Jan 3, 2002, 12:07:32 : Kernel Hacker Interview with Dave Jones
- Jan 3, 2002, 10:21:18 : Linux Journal: A Rough Year for SSH