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September 1998

Consultants Page LF does not charge any fees for access to the articles in its totality. Therefore we do not have funds to pay authors and translators for their work. Nevertheless we feel we owe many people something for their great efforts putting this magazine in motion. Beginning September 1998 LF wants to create a "Consultants Page", every author and collaborator of the magazine will have a short paragraph of space to advertise their skills, email & web pages. We expect this new service will not only be a good way to compensate our collaborators but also a good asset of information for the linux community.

What is LinuxFocus? We are a group of Linux enthusiasts from all over the world, our goal is to make the best magazine online about Linux without ignoring the plurality of the Linux community. We write all our articles in multiple languages thus helping to bring in new and younger people to the marvelous world of Linux and UNIX. Contrary to what we have read on the web, our magazine cannot be really described as a collection of "tips & tricks". As our name indicates we aim to provide in-depth information, we have a series of articles on specific topics and as users move along the series they can make the transition from novice to advanced users.

How many languages does LinuxFocus speak? It is hard to tell because from month to month our staff continues to grow. There are 4 well-developed and strong teams already: English, French, German and Spanish. There are also smaller groups with fluctuating number of people working on other versions: Russian, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch. We would like to see these groups to become stronger and more stable. Our doors are always open to new people, if you want to be part of LF contact the appropriate editor in "About LF" and write to us. We are always happy to see new faces.

About Copyrights and Licenses All material in our website is copyrighted by their respective authors. LinuxFocus does not hold copyright over the articles submitted. The material provided by LF in magazine form is distributed with the implicit consent of the authors. Authors also give us permission to translate and distribute the articles as-is freely via web, ftp, an any other media, always within the context of the magazine. LF only gives permission for the non-commercial use of its articles. To use LF articles and translations for commercial purposes you must ask explicit permission of the authors and/or LF editorial.

Our Sponsors

Nova Internet CTV Penguin Computing


Hardware & Software Reviews

  • An Introduction to Network Booting and Etherboot by
    An advanced article that explains how to bootstrap your computer from a program stored in non-volatile memory without accessing your hard disk. It is an ideal technique for maintaining and configure a farm of linux boxes

System Administration

  • Enabling Chinese on Linux by
    This brief article describes how to enable chinese locale on a "standard" linux box. Much of this information and more is contained in the Chinese-HOWTO. It is supplied here in order to provide the minimum information to those interested on following upcoming articles of LinuxFocus in Chinese.


  • Interview with Juan Jose Amor
    Juan Jose Amor Iglesias Current coordinator of the LuCAS project, part of the LDP and devoted to the translation and localization of MDL manuals in Spanish

UNIX Basics

  • Finding Files by
    This aricle gives an introduction on how to find files by name and by content.

This website is maintained by Miguel Angel Sepulveda
© 1998 LinuxFocus