by About the author: Javier is involved in a Ph. D. in Astronomy at a Spanish university where he administrates a workstation cluster. The daily work in his department is done on Unix machines. After some initial problems and trials slackware Linux was chosen. Linux turned out to be much better than some other proprietary Unix systems. Content: |
This article gives some insight in to the tricks that you can do with AWK. It is not a tutorial but it provides real live examples to use.
Originally, the idea to write this text came to me after reading a couple of articles published in LinuxFocus that were written by Guido Socher. One of them, about find and related commands, showed me that I was not the only one who used the command line. Pretty GUIs don't tell you how the things are really done (that's the way that Windows went years ago). The other article was about regular expressions. Although regular expressions are only slightly touched in this article, you need to know them to get the maximum from awk and other commands like sed and grep.
The key question is whether this awk command is really useful. The answer is definitly yes! It could be useful for a normal user to process text files, re-format them etc... For a system administrator AWK is really a very important utility. Just walk around /var/yp/Makefile
or look at the initialization scripts . AWK is used everywhere.
My first news about AWK are old enough for being forgotten. I had a colleague who needed to work with some really big outputs from a small Cray. The manual page for awk
on the Cray was small, but he said that AWK looks very much like the thing he needs although he did not yet understand how to use it.
A long time later, we are back in my life again. A colleague of mine used AWK to extract the first column from a file with the command:
Once we have learned the lesson on how to extract a column we can do things such as renaming files (append .new to "files_list"):
ls files_list | awk '{print "mv "$1" "$1".new"}' | sh
... and more:
ls -1 *old* | awk '{print "mv "$1" "$1}' | sed s/old/new/2 | sh
ls -l * | grep -v drwx | awk '{print "rm "$9}' | sh
ls -l|awk '$1!~/^drwx/{print $9}'|xargs rm
ls -l | grep '^d' | awk '{print "rm -r "$9}' | sh
ls -p | grep /$ | wk '{print "rm -r "$1}'
ls -l|awk '$1~/^d.*x/{print $9}'|xargs rm -r
kill `ps auxww | grep netscape | egrep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
As you can see, AWK really helps when the same calculations are repeated over and over ... and apart from that it is much more fun to write an AWK program than doing almost the same thing 20 times manually.
is a little programming language, with a syntax close to C in many aspects. It is an interpreted language and the awk
interpreter processes the instructions.
About the syntax of the awk command interpreter itself:
# gawk --help Usage: gawk [POSIX or GNU style options] -f progfile [--] file ... gawk [POSIX or GNU style options] [--] 'program' file ... POSIX options: GNU long options: -f progfile --file=progfile -F fs --field-separator=fs -v var=val --assign=var=val -m[fr] val -W compat --compat -W copyleft --copyleft -W copyright --copyright -W help --help -W lint --lint -W lint-old --lint-old -W posix --posix -W re-interval --re-interval -W source=program-text --source=program-text -W traditional --traditional -W usage --usage -W version --versionInstead of simply quoting (') the programs in the command line, we can, as you can see above, write the instructions into a file, and call it with the option
. With command line defined variables using -v var=
val we can add some flexibility to the programs.
Awk is, roughly speaking, a language oriented to manage tables. That is some information which can be grouped inside fields and records. The advantage here is that the record definition (and the field definition) is flexible.
Awk is powerful. It's designed for work with one-line records, but that point could be relaxed. In order to see in some of these aspects, we are going to look at some illustrative (and real) examples.
BEGIN { printf "LaTeX preample" printf "\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|...|c|}" } |
{ printf $1" & " printf $2" & " . . . printf $n" \\\\ " printf "\\hline" } |
END { print "\\end{document}" } |
( $1 == "====>" ) { NomObj = $2 TotObj = $4 if ( TotObj > 0 ) { FS = "|" for ( cont=0 ; cont<TotObj ; cont++ ) { getline print $2 $4 $5 $3 >> NomObj } FS = " " } } |
Acutally, the object name was not returned, and it was sligthly more complicated, but this is supposed to be an illustrative example. |
BEGIN { BEGIN_MSG = "From" BEGIN_BDY = "Precedence:" MAIN_KEY = "Subject:" VALIDATION = "[MONTH REPORT]" HEAD = "NO"; BODY = "NO"; PRINT="NO" OUT_FILE = "Month_Reports" } { if ( $1 == BEGIN_MSG ) { HEAD = "YES"; BODY = "NO"; PRINT="NO" } if ( $1 == MAIN_KEY ) { if ( $2 == VALIDATION ) { PRINT = "YES" $1 = ""; $2 = "" print "\n\n"$0"\n" > OUT_FILE } } if ( $1 == BEGIN_BDY ) { getline if ( $0 == "" ) { HEAD = "NO"; BODY = "YES" } else { HEAD = "NO"; BODY = "NO"; PRINT="NO" } } if ( BODY == "YES" && PRINT == "YES" ) { print $0 >> OUT_FILE } } |
Maybe we are administrating a mailing list and from time to time, some special messages are submitted to the list (for example, monthly reports) with some specific format (subject as '[MONTH REPORT] month , dept'). Suddenly, we decide at the end of the year put together all these messages, saving aside the others. This can be done by processing the mail spool with the awk program on the left. To get each report written to an individual file means three extra lines of code. |
NOTE: This example assumes that the mail spool is structured as I think it is. This programs works for my mail. |
I've used awk for many other tasks (automatic generation of web pages with information from simple databases) and I know enough about awk programming to be sure that a lot of things can be done.
Just let your imagination fly.
Up to now, nearly all the examples process all the input file lines. But, as also the manual page states, it is possible to process only some of the input lines. One must just preceed the group of commands with the condition the line should meet. The matching condition could be very flexible, variing from a simple regular expression to a check on the contents of some field, with the possibility of grouping conditions with the proper logical operators.
As any other programming language, awk
implements all the necessary flow control structures, as well as a set of operators and predefined functions to deal with numbers and strings.
It's possible, of course, to include user defined functions with the keyword function. Apart from the common scalar variables, awk is also able to manage variable sized arrays.
As it happens in any programming language, there are some very common functions and it becomes uncomfortable to cut and paste pieces of code. That's the reason why libraries exist. With the GNU version of awk
, is possible include them within the awk
program. This is however an outlook to the things which are possible and outside the scope of this article.
AWK is very appropriate for the purposes for which it was build: Read data line by line and act upon the strings and patterns in the lines.
Files like /etc/password
turn out to be ideal for reformatting and processing with AWK. AWK is invaluable for such tasks.
Of course AWK is not alone. Perl is a strong competitor but still it is worthwhile to know some AWK tricks.
This kind of very basic commands and is not very well documented, but you can find something when looking around.
man awk
Usually, all books on unix mention this command, but only some of them treat it in detail. The best we can do, is to browse any book we get into our hands. You never know where useful information can be found.
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