# Author: Atif Ghaffar <atif@developer.ch>
# version 0.1
# You may find the later versions of this program at
# http://atif.developer.ch

use strict;
        my $usage=qq|
          Normal USAGE:
          $0 directory [directory2] [directory3] ... [directoryN]

          To create a set of identical directories on the remote host if they dont exists
          CREATE_DIRS=1  $0 directory [directory2] [directory3] ... [directoryN]

          To mirror all files to the remote host. This can be done as the initial setup.
          INIT_MIRROR=1 $0 directory [directory2] [directory3] ... [directoryN]

          To have VERBOSE messages about what this script is doing
          DEBUG=1 [INIT_MIRROR=1] [CREATE_DIRS=1]  $0 directory [directory2] [directory3] ... [directoryN]
        if (@ARGV){
                for (@ARGV){
                        unless (-d $_ && -e $_ ){ # check if the argument is a directory
                                print "$_ is not a directory\n"; 
                                print $usage;
        } else {
                # show the usage unless a directory is speocified
                print $usage;
use vars qw($directory $cmd $event $dir $file $filepath $dirname);

#load some modules.
use File::PathConvert qw(realpath);
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use SGI::FAM;

#start a fam object
my $fam=new SGI::FAM;
my $event;

#define the rsh command. This could be rsh, ssh or whatever
my $rsh="ssh -l root ";
#define the rsync command with the flags that you want
my $rsync="rsync -rlopgztC --delete  -e 'ssh -l root'  ";

#define replica hosts separated by space
my @replicaHosts=qw(host1 host2 host3);

#fill up the @directories list
my @directories;
find(sub { -d && -e && push @directories, $File::Find::name; }, @ARGV);

for (@directories){
        #convert symlinks to realpath
        #get some stats about this directory
        my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = stat($directory);
        $mode=sprintf "%04o", $mode & 07777; 

        #create identical directories on replica hosts if environment variable CREATE_DIRS is set.
        if ($ENV{'CREATE_DIRS'} || $ENV{'INIT_MIRROR'}){
                for my $host(@replicaHosts){
                        $cmd="$rsh $host 'mkdir -p $directory; chmod $mode $directory; chown $uid.$gid $directory'";
                        print "$cmd\n" if $ENV{'DEBUG'};
                        system ("$cmd 2>/dev/null");

        print "setting monitor on $directory\n"  if $ENV{'DEBUG'};

# if there is a request to initiate a mirror then lets do it.
# directories must already have had been created above
        for (@ARGV){
                for my $host(@replicaHosts){
                        $cmd ="$rsync $directory $host:$directory";
                        system ("$cmd 2>/dev/null");
                        print "$cmd\n"  if $ENV{'DEBUG'};

# now running the main loop which will recieve events from fam
# this should actually be forked into a background process.
# for the timebeing you can run it with & 
# perhaps I will use POE at somepoint with this

while (1) {
        do {
                #dont copy swap files
                next if $file=~/(\.swp|\~)$/;
                if ($dir eq $file){

                #set correct filename. dir/file
                my $filepath="$dir/$file";

                #remove multiple / from filepath

                #set dirname

                # if there a change or create event then
                # rsync the file to the replica hosts

                if ($event->type =~/^(change|create)$/){
                        for my $host(@replicaHosts){
                                $cmd="$rsync $filepath $host:$dirname/";
                                print "$cmd\n"  if $ENV{'DEBUG'};
                                system ("$cmd 2>&1 >/dev/null");

                # if the file or directory is deleted
                # then delete it on the server too
                # This needs some testing
                if ($event->type =~/^(delete)$/){
                        for my $host(@replicaHosts){
                                if (-d $filepath){
                                        $cmd="$rsh $host 'rm -rf $filepath'";
                                } else {
                                        $cmd="$rsh $host 'rm $filepath'";
                                print "$cmd\n"  if $ENV{'DEBUG'}; 
                                system ("$cmd 2>&1 >/dev/null");


        } while $fam->pending;


For more info see
Man pages