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"Linux Gazette...making Linux just a little more lovable!"
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Help Wanted -- Article Ideas
Hi, The Compaq Deskpro 6000 is a fairly new system out, though Compaq has been building Deskpro's for many years. The only problem I have had with them is their proprietary hardware. This is usually either their Network cards or their Hard drive controllers (usually RAID controllers). Other than that, it's pretty standard. Please reply to my email address : afarnsworth@s1.drc.com for I don't have the ability to check the gazette often. Thanks. Andy Farnsworth, Dynamics Research Corporation
Hi! Could you write an article about these two office-package for Linux:
Jukka Hernetkoski (An article about StarOffice by Dwight Johnson appeared in issue 9 of Linux Gazette. An article about Applixware will be in the April issue of Linux Journal. I can probably get permission to run it in LG also, but not until that issue of LJ is on the stands. Which means it would also be the April issue of LG. Anyone want to do one sooner?--Editor)
-I am a system administrator....manages 20 PC's....all running windows95 -We were running Windows NT server(4.0) in the lab for some time Then we realised we had only 10 client access licenses and so were forced tp SWITCH to Linux. -Linux emulates NT, as you may know -I had the CONFIG.POL working perfectly with the NT network. -But when I switched to Linux I lost that control. No longer are the clients able to access the CONFIG.POL file even though I have kept it in the NETLOGON share. -Now whosoever uses the PC's(most are novices) play around with the settings( of client) and is giving me nightmares, since I cannot lock them out. -Is there a way out? How can I make the clients read the system policies from the CONFIG.POL using Linux server? Please help. Thanks
Hi. I love linux but most of the projects I work on preclude it because of a lack of dbms connectivity. None of the major dbms players (Oracle, Sybase, Informix, etc.) or 3rd party developers (Intersolv, Visigenic, etc.) offer access from a linux client. I've tried a middleware solution from Openlink and I guess you could run SCO drivers with emulation, assuming you can get your hands on the low-level libraries. This seems to be the only thing standing in the way of Linux getting business worthy respect. Could you put together a piece on this issue and explore the future availability of dbms connectivity from linux? Thanks.
Hi there! I just got Linux from RedHat and I have been wondering how to do Animations in XWindows. I would like a little picture box on the lower right hand corner of the screen on startup to start an animation. Is this possible? If it is, please email me back with instructions!!! Thanks for the help. One Unix man to the other, |
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General Mail
I have changed my web page (email is unchanged). Can you update my web page in the #10 issue, article "setting up a Dynamic web server"? http://www.tc.umn.edu/nlhome/g625/luxx0024/ I got couple of email inquiry about the bad link. Henry (Be happy to fix it up. We like to stay up to date. --Editor)
Hi, Well, I received help via e-mail pointing me to this page: Great mag! James Cannon, http://www.jads.abq.com/
(RE: Color depths in X) Well, I know this isn't really a fix, and it's not that great, but I have 2 scripts. startx which starts me in 16 bit color and start8, which starts in 8 bit. As I said, not a solution, but a pretty painless alternative...
Someone else noted that his web browser didn't correctly show the spiral notebook background. I use Netscape, so that isn't a problem for me, but I do have another problem with the background. It's very hard to look at on an interlaced display. I can always switch to a non-interlaced mode in XFree86, but I'd bet some people can't. I know that the interlaced mode that I use looks fine on 99.99% of web pages, so it usually isn't a problem for me. Thanks,
Unfortunately, Banyan is a pretty tight (read: won't work with much) OS, so you are pretty limited. There is a way for Linux to sign onto Banyan, but you have to use DOSEMU.60.1. The later versions will not work. (Disclaimer: I have not used the patch for dosemu.60.4). If you have not used DOSEMU, the setup is fairly straightforward. As for using Linux as a resource, you will have to use IP stuff (ftp, telnet, etc) to do so. There are no ports for Linux<->Banyan stuff. BTW, Jon is still doing Linux and Banyan. His site (http://www.netmind.com) is running Linux! Check it out! Jack N. Gallemore jgallemore@okokc.ang.af.mil
Back on Dec 5, 1996 Stefan wrote wanting help with Vines. Stefan the problem you're having sounds like the Vines Servers are not passing TCP/IP.. By default Banyan Vines doesn't pass route TCP/IP thru the servers. You have to have the TCP/IP option installed on all the servers your going to route thru. This option cost $$$ about $1200.00 US if I remember correctly. So there's p[robally a good chance your school didn't buy this option... Vines doesn't have anything that will cause IP to tunnel via Vines IP.. So your only chance might be to get access to the same segment that the internet is running off of... But it sounds like your sysadmin is using the Banyan Server as the gateway to the internet, if this is the case your out of luck... Since I've worked with Banyan Vines for the last 7 years, I'm sorry to say you might not be able to set up the Linux Box on the internet routing thru your Banyan Servers... Denis, dgdimick@sure.net
Hi, http://www.xnet.com/%7Eblatura/linapps.shtml The guy that maintains it is Bill Latura. I hope people will get good use out of it and maybe help it become even more complete:) David (We found it too; see News Bytes. --Editor)
Hi there, Thanks again (Don't know why you are having trouble ftp'ing LinuxGazette_dec96.tar.gz, but can tell you that you have LinuxGazette_jan97.tar.gz you have everything that is in dec96. We took over LG for issue 9, so there is no file issue8.txt or 1 to 7 either. We use Lynx to save the HTML as text. Perhaps we'll do it for 1-8 one day when we have time. --Editor)
can you put some thing in each week for the new linux ueser the newbe things thank you (LG is posted once a month not weekly. All the material in LG is contributed to me by outside authors. I take whatever I get. A lot of it is geared toward the newbee, and this month we have a new column called "Clueless At the Prompt" by Mike List that is designed for the newbee. Sounds like just what you are looking for. --Editor) This page written and maintained by the Editor of Linux Gazette,