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Re: Final Farewell??

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999, Rob Fenwick wrote:

> > It is but denying authors the right to have their say in how this project
> > is operated would be not a wise thing.
> Why?
> I contribute to the charity 'World Aid', but I don't expect to have a 
> say in how they run their organisation.  Why should the contributors 
> to LDP? :o)

Don't start to compare things that are irrelevant here.

Without authors there is no LDP. So ignoring them is the fastest way to
have all people withdrawing their content.

While I know it is impossible to ask anyone's opinion on each subject. But
ignoring the authors in major issue's as licensing and document handling
procedures is unacceptable.

If the core team thinks they can do without the authors there I suggest
they write all the documents as well.


Hugo van der Kooij; Oranje Nassaustraat 16; 3155 VJ  Maasland
hvdkooij@caiw.nl        http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~hvdkooij/
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