Eine Übersicht von Artikeln mit Tutorien und Testberichten von Programmen und verschiedenen Applikationen für Linux.
Verwaltung deiner Post mit procmail
Keep you mail on folders, respond automatically, create mailing lists, learn how to do these and much more with procmail.
MySQL, ein Datenbank Server
MySQL is an SQL (Structured Query Language) database server supported by a number of platforms, including Linux. Its Linux version is design with fast performance in mind.
Enlightenment is a highly customizable window manager for Linux. This article discusses the features, installation, and customization of the Enlightenment window manager.
Die StarOffice Suite -- Praesentationen erstellen
This article reviews the applications available in the suite StarOffice 4.0. The author gives us a demonstration using tool for the creation of presentations. (functionally similar to Microsoft's Power Point).
Lyx Review
Lyx is an editor with fantastic possibilities. Ismael gives us a little overview.
CDs Brennen mit Linux
Dieser Artikel zeigt verschiedene MÖglichkeiten, CDs unter Linux zu brennen.
MySQL und Perl: eine Zweckehe
Dieser Artikel zeigt, wie einfach es ist, von Perl auf eine mysql Datenbank zuzugreifen.
Analyse der Log-Dateien Ihrer Internet-Anwendungen
This article is the first in a series about using Lire to analyze log files of internet server applications. This is not limited to one service, e.g. Apache, but is an integrated analyzer for many different services. Included are DNS, WWW, email and ipfilter services.
Singen im Web
Review of the new improved version of one of the lightest browsers
Echtzeit mp3 Aufnahmen, Teil 2
In the first part we showed how you can record in mp3 in realtime, for example a radio show, and make a big file out of it, e.g. 650MB for 24 hours of music in near-CD quality (128 kbit/s; stereo). Now, what to do with such a big file? Can we make even bigger files, or could we maybe get a better compression rate? How about the quality of these mp3 recordings?
Der einfache Fax Server!
This article explains how to install hylafax, a fax server, on a linux box
Echtzeit mp3 Aufnahmen
Recording music in mp3-format gives you the possibility to record very long pieces of music without exhausting the disk-space.
This article reviews the possibility of MagicPoint. This software is one of the very few that allow creation of presentations under X-Windows.
Einführung in das Perl XML::XSLT Modul
This article demonstrates some of the capabilities of the W3C's XSLT standard and how it can be used to help you manage and publish XML documents to the web.
Den VI-Editor beherrschen
The VI editor is a screen-based editor used by many Unix users. The VI editor has powerful features to aid programmers, but many beginning users avoid using VI because the different features overwhelm them.
PDF Dokumente erzeugen mittels DocBook
This article describes how you can use DocBook to develop PDF documents and covers tools you need to edit DocBook articles and tools to translate them to PDF documents.
NEdit, der universelle Texteditor der Unix Welt
Nedit ist ein beachtlicher Editor. Leider ist er in den meisten Linuxdistributionen nicht enthalten und deshalb nicht so bekannt wie andere Editoren.
FSViewer, ein Dateimanger für Window Maker
Eines der revolutionären Programme von NeXTStep und das erste, das beim Starten auf dem Bildschirm erschien, war der File Viewer.