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Re: Comments on web site.


Before we make assumptions that we have no idea about, let me state that a
request has been put to several people for a written history about the
LDP. We have yet to receive the document. We are also in the process of
creating a sponsors document and an Auhtors section to give credit where
credit is due in regards to hosting, programming and all of that kind of

In regards to the Core Team statement, although there are a few out there
that could truly care less about who the "team" is. I can honestly say
that since we have placed the members in a very visible place people have
been actually been becoming positive about the project.

I have been contacted on numerous occasions about "Gee, it is nice to see
who I can yell at now". It has also served a great deal in helping people
direct their email to the correct places instead of just one person
getting all of it.

So next time, try asking question as to why or what instead of crawling on
a soap box. We are working extrememly hard to turn the LDP into a much
better situation than it has been in recent months, be patient we are
trying to rebuild a lot of this from scratch.


<PROJECT>LinuxPorts       - http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP            - http://www.linuxdoc.org        </WEBMASTER>
On Sun, 26 Sep 1999, Kendall Clark wrote:

> >>>>> "Terry" == Terry Dawson <terry@albert.animats.net> writes:
>     Terry> Most people are going to be more interested in the
>     Terry> documentation than the core team .. I suggest reordering
>     Terry> the sidebar descending as:
> I couldn't agree more; this is astoundingly obnoxious as it currently
> is; I can't recall any free software project with a more
> self-promotive "core team" section. Not only is it just overly
> self-promotive of the "core team" (which has, after all, only been in
> place for a few months), but it also doesn't say *anything* about who
> started the project, it's history, those who went before, etc.
> This is very much not in the spirit of the free software community,
> and I'd certainly like to see it changed.
> The overall impression is very misleading; it is, undoubtedly, the
> vast array of authors who together make the LDP an invaluable
> resource; you "core team" guys need to dial down the egos.
> Best,
> Kendall Clark
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