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Re: FTP Access for Authors

On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Vern Hoxie wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Oct 1999, Poet/Joshua Drake wrote:
> > I will set up an FTP account for you. Please understand however that
> > all documents received in this archived will be tested for SGML
> > validity. If they fail they will not be posted. So, please check
> > your syntax before submitting.
> That's fine.  Now where can I get sgml source?
> I have "sgmltools.2.0.2" but I have only 786 Mega bytes of disk space
> to dedicate to this endeavor.  This distribution requires TeX and
> Python.  Included is a c++ version of "jade".  Some of the *.cxx files 
> are so cumbersome that my computer thrashes while swapping data.  If I 
> run any other process, I run out of virtual memory.  My swap partition 
> is 28 Mega bytes with 16 Mega bytes of ram.

Jade is a known memory hog. (As many C++ projects ;-) TeX also likes it
quite well now-a-days.

Still sgmltools is among the smaller tools available. But you need 32MB
RAM and 48MB of swap to get it going reasonable well.

> If you are really interested in encouraging authors, make the
> requirments resonable and provide the necessary references.  Please no 
> *.rpm's.

Having binaries files available will make things only smaller. Compiling
your own set makes you install about 50 to 100MB extra just to start.
(Rough estimate as I didn't count the bytes. But I updated the latest
sgmltools RPM packages.)


Hugo van der Kooij; Oranje Nassaustraat 16; 3155 VJ  Maasland
hvdkooij@caiw.nl        http://home.kabelfoon.nl/~hvdkooij/
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